How many people say, ‘I could write a book about it!’ Have you ever said that? If so, you are certainly not the only one. We are full of stories, some more vivid than others. We love to share them. But there is a lot of work involved in putting that story into book form and publishing it yourself or through a publisher. On Wednesday 19 March 2022, I gave a lecture on this subject to members of the Heerhugowaard Rotary. Based on my personal journey with All the Women in Me, I took them on a journey from dream to deed in writing a book.

Types of stories
Because maybe there are people out there who also want to put their money where their mouth is? Trust their life story to paper. Perhaps they want to record the history of a company for future generations. Perhaps there are people walking around with an idea for a novel and it is mainly a question of finding the time to put the words on paper?

The lecture covered topics such as:

  • What makes a story interesting and who do you write it for?
  • How do you write it in such a way that the reader wants to hear it until the end? In which genre does it fit?
  • What is involved in publishing your story? Contacting a publisher or publishing it yourself?
  • And, a question many people ask: will you get rich from it?

Lezing Van Droom naar Daad

‘Clear, calm, good structure and interactive.’
It was an online meeting and there were plenty of questions. Peter van Dijk, who invited me to this lecture, said: ‘Clear, calm, good structure and interactive. Rarely have I had so many questions during a lecture. Well done.

Request a lecture!
Of course I was happy about that because I really enjoy sharing my experiences. And to talk about All the Women in Me or to enter into a dialogue, as I did with the family and system therapists at FamilySupporters Noordkop last March. There are so many aspects to the story, the writing process, the chosen narrative structure and of course the publishing process. Would you like to discuss this with me? Then don’t hesitate to contact me. I would love to do so!



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